Transforming Lives Tour!
In Liberia, Power From the SON provided and installed a modern underground system supplying electricity to 55 buildings at the at the war-torn Ganta Mission Station and Hospital,which serves 24,000 patients per year.
Based upon that success, Power from the SON (PFS) has received a grant from the Hesta Stuart Christian Foundation to provide electricity for a Methodist Seminary and Mission in Gbarnga, Liberia.
Here’s a brief description of the facility in Gbarnga, along with a list of the additional electrical projects that PFSplans to complete in Liberia, in 2014 and 2015.
Gbarnga School of Theology, St. John UM Church, Tubman-Gray High School
The campus includes a vocational department, dorms, cottages, homes, and wells.There are 75 studentsat the seminary and 1,235 at the high school.
A site visit was completed in July 2013 using satellite technology to locate structures. The information gathered will be used to engineer, procure, and construct a generating facility and a modern underground electric system.
New Hope Academy
A project of Bennie Dee Warner, former vice president of Liberia and a retired United Methodist bishop. The school is on Warner’s family land in the Mambah-KabaDistrict. Total square feet: 15,600, with six classrooms, health office, teacher’s lounge, principal’s office, lockers area, agriculture, multipurpose area, and toilets.
A site and planning visit was completed in July 2013.
Paul A. Rader School
One of more than 30 Salvation Army schools in Liberia. The largest school is in the Monrovia area and has over 3,000 students.
Paul A. Rader School is inside the town of Gbarnga, about three to four blocks from the United Methodist seminary and high school.
A site and planning visit was conducted in July of 2013.
J.F. Yancy Primary and Junior High School, James A. Garfield Memorial UMC
The campus includes a clinic, agriculture, school library, dining hall, athletics, etc.
The school is the only educational facility for over 69 villages with a combined population of 40,000 people. Many of the students walk up to seven miles daily to come to school.
The clinic provides immunization for babies and mothers; conducts community health and sanitation education, including HIV/AIDS education; provides safe drinking water, etc. Over 60 traditional midwives have been trained from 69 villages within the vicinity of the mission.
The Rev. Dr. John G. Innis , who is now bishop of the Liberia Annual Conference, was a distinguished pastor of this church.
A site and planning visit was conducted in 2010.